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Anonymous Vassal · 4mo

What you envision the animal fursonas for Richard and Philip to be. I see Richard being the same animal as his namesake of Lionheart, being a Lion, while Philip would be a fox like Reynard the Fox, a trickster wishing to get one over his brave lion love.

Ur exactly right!!! In fact I even drew a sticker of's too small I think to offer on the store but I can include it as a freebie with anything else XD.

In the poem biography of William Marshall it actually refers to Philip as "more clever than a fox" and makes comparisons to emphasize his craftiness, so it's very appropriate XD

My other concept for him is some kind of sheep/ram, I think it would work well bc he can be a tiny cute lamb but then grow up and have the big hulking horns and dangerous Grumpy expression...prey-coded but very serious and dangerous when spooked.. This is inspired too by Bertran de Born's poems early on which compared Philip derogatorily with Richard, saying he's the "lamb" who weeps rather than taking charge.

Also for Richard he is obviously Lion but I think he can also be a tiny kitty too sometimes just stretching out and doing/hunting whatever he wants and acting soo important ... Not a tameable creature but with a purpose (also Orange...)

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