Mysterious Figure · 2mo

This will be my first anni as someone who got into the game last December. They do roulettes like in the holidays for anni as well? Should I be careful and save my crystals to spark on certain special anni banners?

Yes they do! They do roulettes at Christmas and anniversary in Granblue. As for pulling, here are the things to consider with sparking anon;

  1. If they announce 200 guaranteed roulette rolls on either Flash Gala or Premium Gala. Being 10th anniversary this year however, they could really go wild and announce guaranteed 200 rolls on both!

  2. If there's no 200 guaranteed rolls (not likely) announced on Flash or Premium Galas, then it's best to go the March Premium Gala for a spark, whether you get free roulette rolls in Premium Gala or not. This is because March Premium Gala is the only one where all Zodiac Generals (Anila, Andira, Kumbhira etc.) are available except the one from the previous year (which is Makura).

  3. In all cases, only spark on the last day of free rolls on both Galas (if the roulette lasts the whole Gala). Whether that's Flash or Premium Gala is up to you. Depends on what characters you value (be it meta or favourites) and where you currently are at with your grids in each element.

Generally only Yukata seasonals are announced in March to come out on Flash and the rest are in the usual seasonal periods (June-August is summer, October Halloween etc.) but being 10th anniversary, who knows what could happen this time. Just keep your eyes peeled for the news from the anniversary stream tomorrow and these points in mind anon! Good luck!

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