Mike · 12 answers · 29d

Ada rekomendasi series atau movie yang seru gak?

series: griselda (drama crime), the 8 show (drama mystery), and death's game (fantasy psychological thriller).
movies: whiplash (drama musical stuff), donnie darko (fantasy mystery), and perfect days (mundane stuff).

Are you into korean dramas? Mau rekomendasi Lovely Runner kalau kamu suka romcom atau movies Parasyte: The Grey?

Aku lagi nggak punya waktu buat nonton series sih. Tapi hari ini aku rewatch Agak Laen! Belum ada interest buat nonton film lain soalnya bingung juga mau nonton apa Mike. Maaf ya kalau gak membantu. 😢

Parasyte: The Grey (series), Rurouni Kenshin (movies), Alice in Borderland (series, gore!), YuYuHakusho (series, violence!)

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