echofiends · 2y

How different is Vassa/Etoile's personality between verses (Tartarus/Soulsborne/FFXIV)?

I never got to properly explain this so I’m excited to share it. In a way, they’re the same character but Vassa is AU’d into different games I play. Originally, she was just Etoile AU’d into everything but I wanted to have her separated from games for my own OC work.

Tartarus: Despite the funny drawings I do with Vassa, she’s a lot more reserved and calm. She has immense love in her heart but she takes her duty very serious. She has more of a sadness to her than the others due to missing humanity.

Soulsborne: Based more along how she is in Tartarus for Dark Souls. She’s a bit more adventurous/cautious in the world she inhabits. For Bloodborne, she’s based more on Etoile. A lot more impulsive but aggressive in this verse.

FFXIV: The original base, it’s changed a lot! For Etoile, she’s full of adventure and love. She loves delving into things and acts with her heart before her head. She’s a lot more enthusiastic than her counterparts. Crius, her ancient self is based more around Vassa’s personality before she became a fallen Angel. That would be Sitael, who was quieter.

She’s a very dear character to me who I’ve had for 8 years. ❤️

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