echofiends · 2y

Has RP ever reached to where Etoile confronts Vilhelm about sending her blueprints to the Empire?

In terms of RP not but with her one character development yes!! It’s discovered first hints of it happening during the start of Stormblood but it doesn’t come ahead until Bozja. She recognizes a LOT of design and augmentation used on the magitek machinery. When she’s captured during Bozja that’s when the truth is finally let out because she’s forced to help with the Diabolos allagan wepaon before she’s properly rescued.

She confronts her father about it later who only has the best intentions for her but when she found out she was captured and almost lost her life because of him, a lot of his own direction changed. He became more closed off those sadly but things are repaired when her father does come and help with the contingent to Garlemlad.

Their relationship with one another is strained after Bozja and it’s hard for her to really trust her father more after that. The trust isn’t renewed until Garlemald MSQ. It still is going to be a long process before she’s filled healed after knowing her own designs were used to kill people on the battlefield..

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