Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Rael · 12mo

I don’t know how to deliver this properly, but I want you to understand that you mean the world to me. In reality, I’m not close with my brothers, and your presence has opened my eyes to the beauty of life I have overlooked. You’re an incredible person, and I appreciate your constant reassurance, even when I know you must want to knock some sense into me. I know sometimes it’s hard to talk to me, but you patiently answer to my questions and make me think that you’re someone that I love to keep around. I genuinely hope the universe treats you with kindness. You deserve to embrace life fully. If you ever feel like you have no reasons to go on, know that you’ve saved a soul plagued by self-doubt. Without you, I might not have the will to keep going. You’re amazing and reliable person. Thank you for being born, thank you for coming into my life.

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