Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

patootie · 4mo

How's your cats?

they're so big, rebellious, and adventurous now 🥲 yuri loves playing outside and hiding through my grandma's plants. he also loves provoking our chained big dogs by sitting near them (he knows they can't reach him 😭). akira stays at home and she's FATTTT she's always lying down with her fat stomach and she's super super cuteeee. they're always waiting for me whenever i come home from work and they also go wherever i go 😭 when im at my room expect they're also there, when im at the living room they're close to me, and even in the bathroom they're lined up outside the door waiting for me to come out 😭 they still won't come to me whenever i'm calling them tho although i tried training to call them by whistling 🥲 my calling only works when it's time to eat. i also love grabbing them to my chest when i'm lying down because they would stay still there, but recently they leave me after a while making me sad 😭 alsoooo i'm a light sleeper so at night when they feel like sleeping in my bed i would always wake up to them moving around or playing beside me 🥲 in the morning they wake me up by meowing or walking around my bed so i'd fees them their breakfast 😭 overall they're fine, thank you for asking <33

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