Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

an apple · 1mo

Good morning, Ashley. I thought about giving you another clue last night. But, I decided to wait until this morning so you could get some rest. The new clue is, a door. I think it’s quite obvious and I feel like I’m risking my identity with this one

good morning, dearest one. that's so kind of you. thank you so much! is the door related to your profile? :> are you okay if I can guess you right? please let me know since I don't want to make you uncomfortable or scared, okaaay?

and as I promised, I'll give you a song recommendation since you're being so kind to me. please listen to Can I Have the Day with You by Sam Ock to accompany your weekend. have a great weekend, dearest one!

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