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Anonymous · 9mo

What are the differences of countries between real world and Project Fossil? (North America, Europe, and Oceania)

I'll just list off the countries as of today:
- Visigoth Kingdom (Spain, Portugal, and a little land by the Ligurian Sea and a bit of France)
- Greek Empire (Albania, Bulgaria, Greece, North Macedonia, Kosovo, and Montenegro, plus West Turkey)
- Italy (Italy, Switzerland, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia, Monaco, Malta, and Liechtenstein)
- Frankish Republic (France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Germany, Switzerland, Kaliningrad, basically all of mainland Europe except the Isles and territory controlled by other countries)
- East Baltic (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova, Poland, and Romania)
- Arab Kingdom (most of Turkey, Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Sudan, Syria, Jordan, Yemen, Oman, and parts of Algeria and Libya. Apologies if this is questionable).
- The United Nordic States (Norway, Sweden, Finland, Svalbard, and west Russia)
- Ireland (the whole island)
- United American Republic (Canada and the USA, and while they're still a world power they don't interfere nearly as much as OTL unless strictly necessary)
- The UAR also has more states: North/South Idaho; West/East Montana; North Texas; South California; and Washington D.C.
- United States of Aztaya (or just Aztaya, Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Belize, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Cayman, and Jamaica, Cuba, the Bahamas, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, and other Central American countries. The name is supposed to be a hybrid of both Maya and Aztec)
- Colarna Republic (essentially, the entirety of South America except Brazil)
- Russia (west Russia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, and Azerbaijan. They're also much more passive.)
- Siberia (East Russia)
- Communist States of Innia (China, Mongolia, Laos, Thailand, Cambodia, Bhutan, Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Tajikistan, and Kyrgyzstan)
- Hawaiian Kingdom (not a state of America, gaining some land due to the presence of Mu).
- Some countries are also independent (e.g. Hong Kong, Australia, and New Zealand), while others never split (e.g. Korea/Vietnam).

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