Hamba Allah · 1y

Mbak, aku mau nanya serius. How to deal with sadness? Gimana caranya biar happy ya, Mbak.

First, remember that everyone experiences sadness from time to time, and it’s a natural part of life, okay? By taking care of yourself (bobo cukup, mam teratur, berusaha melakukan sesuatu yang produktif walaupun sehari cuma satu sampai tiga jam aja), seeking support, and engaging in positive activities, you can start to manage those feelings and move towards a more positive outlook. If your sadness persists or becomes overwhelming, don’t hesitate to seek professional help from a mental health provider. Plus, I’m here, by the way—in case kamu butuh supporter (bukan supporter bola) buat jadi pendengar keluh kesah (bukan buat digebukin). I love you, siapa pun kamu. 🥺🤍

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