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anonymous · 2mo

any appearance headcanons for shinjiro? any piercings/tats/specific things you like seeing him drawn with?

yeah but most of my hcs are more body / facial feature hcs ^_^ for one i’m an anti-twink shinjiro truther, which is probably the most notable appearance hc i have for him. as for other things i’m particular about, i like him having a roman-style nose like he has in the manga. it’s not even something i perceive as a hc anymore because he just has that snoz to me. thicker brows is also a shinjiro staple for me at this point, though you wouldn’t see them much anyway because of his hat and bangs. oh and also stubble/jaw hair. i don’t think he’d be shaving everyday. or that often. i just don’t think he’d gaf

i like to give him scars. like smaller ones on his hands from fighting (alongside calluses. his ass is not using lotion after washing his hands. the skin is probably thick and dry), a few on his face. like a lip scar (from akihiko). maybe one on his nose. idk he does end up in street brawls and has been shadow fighting since he was 15 so ^_^ plus with his wilder fighting style (compared to akihiko’s more controlled/technical style), i think just Should have them

as for like piercings/tats, i actually don’t think shinjiro would care? like i could see hin getting A Tattoo at Some point in time if he had lived to adulthood, but like? probably not? and it’d be tiny if so. piercings definitely not. he just doesn’t care for aesthetics like that. same goes for like nail polish or makeup. he just does not care. shinjiro is just not an ostentatious guy. he dgaf about his appearance

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