Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous Coward · 1y

not a question, idea or chat. just wanted to thank you again for writing LPP i finished reading the last chapter and it moved me to tears your writing is exceptional and your understanding of the characters and their dynamics is inspiring- thank you for being so smart and skilled and for taking the time to write and share your work with everyone. i wish you the best of luck and health and safety <3

hi, genuinely thank youuuu ❤️ honestly, the trigun characters are something special. I find Vash so interesting because he /is/ a hypocrite. He’s contradictory. I think that makes him compelling (and interesting to write!!) And, well Knives… he’s one of my favorite character (period) after writing this. I knives propaganda-ed myself jkjk

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