Gerald. · 5 answers · 1y

Any suggestions for your best horror or action movies?

I've watched horror or action movies a lot. If koko looks for something yg full of theory, i suggest you to watch korean movies. So far yg lagi ngena banget di aku "The Wailing" for the horror one. Gak banyak jumpscare, tapi bikin mikir. And i like this kind of movies. Kalo mau action, recently i watched "The Gangster The Cop The Devil". Ini lucu serem gregetan jadi satu, actionnya bagus bgt! Yg main ada Ma Dongseok! Sebenernya ada banyak. If koko needs more reccomendation atau mau yg western jg, just hmu oki? Ade suka lupa judulnya soalnya. Biar nanti ade cariin.

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