Shadow On The Wall · 5mo

What type of comic fan is arcjec? Would he read 'The Incal' or just super hero comics?

cape shit used to be his bread and butter, and i don't doubt that he's still got an itch to see whatever horrendous multimedia concoction the AI brains in jars that write their plotlines dream up, but it's not something he actually gels with much anymore. he's a lot more into it in theory than in practice. which is why he rants about spider-man to snakes that don't care. surely this must be therapeutic for him.

we know for a fact that he's at least read the repitonian iterations of scott pilgrim, my hero academia and homestuck due to the unholy state of his living room. i'm positive he's branched out quite a bit beyond that, but keeps his opinions close to the chest when talking to most of the others except jentha. those two will find something completely unimportant and then tear it to shreds.

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