M · 1y

Thoughts on the concept of 🦅 and 🐊 having a feeder/feedie relationship? Like any hc or something like that?
Ever since you posted that word prompt thread I can’t stop thinking about it LOL

Glad you asked!

🦅 is a very private man, but I feel like he’s a private man with an open-minded sex life. He has a taste for the classical: lacy lingerie (especially stockings), endearments like “darling,” kisses exchanged between sips of rich wine. Being naturally inclined to cooking his own food, it just makes sense he’d be a willing feeder for a partner, if they wanted one.

So, when 🐊 moves in and has a rather DEMANDING appetite, he can’t help but enjoy the challenge. 🐊 gets everything he asks for and then some.

It’s a testament to their exceedingly rare trust that 🐊 really starts packing on weight as he grows comfortable. His smirks start to show off the double chin, and 🦅 knows his partner is present for dinner when he hears the increasingly loud CREEEEAK of his wider ass threatening the integrity of his fine mahogany chairs.

At first, 🦅 is more an enabler than a feeder. 🐊 demands, he provides. It’s when they grow closer that he might sneak a bite or two past 🐊‘s lips. 🐊 has an inkling is getting hot under the collar about his growing, hefty belly. 🦅 occasionally receives an after-dinner, smoky belch to the face as 🐊 puffs on a cigar for dessert. 🦅 hates how uncouth it is.

But how his heart quivers.

Sooner or later, though, he’ll get his way, and he’ll gild his treasure in lace and satin. He gives up on a corset before he even starts—🐊 gives it a muffin top, muffin bottom, AND muffin sides. 🐊 oozes out of just anything 🦅 has, but he finds that’s not so bad.

Eventually, he settles on a fine, black lacy brassiere that manages to just barely contain his heaving, jiggling chest. 🐊 grumbles as the slightest bit of stimulation turns the cups damp, puffy nipples dribbling sweet milk.

The smell has 🦅 subtly lick the corner of his lips.

Perhaps he himself will soon have to indulge.

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