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Some Freak · 9mo

How do you like your fat guts? Flabby, globular, stuffed, etc

Oh, man. What a good question.

The copout answer is “any belly is a good belly,” but the truth is there are a couple shapes that make me do the cartoon wolf RUF RUF AROOOOOOOOOOOOO

For empty bellies, I love it when, like… the belly has this nice horizontal crease in it and the lower tummy sticks out a bit further than the upper, if that makes sense? It’s SO sexy.

Also, I really love a specific size, which is what I’m usually looking for in my vore WG… I also love bellies that are kinda… slightly deflating beach balls, if that brings the right visual to mind? Big, round, but getting kinda saggy. That’s the shit.

So, basically, I like them pretty round with some noticeable heft. I like it when you can tell gravity is trying its damndest to bring that thing closer to the ground than its owner’s spine.

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