Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Lily "MinekPo1" · 7mo

if you could entice mice into bitting mostly accurate copies of you out of cheese would you like rob a bank to be able to access the mice stash that every bank has under their floor boards ? like why the hell do banks even have so many mice its not like scarring away food inspectors takes that many and even if those fuckers could just invest in a decent fridge smh . anyway like you could use those mice to have more copies of yourself which means you could like idk post about how GTA VI is clearly an allegory for being gay or something idk im not a cop

i wouldnt trust myselves to act normally i have to go around patrolling them so i cant theorize about gta or whatever you said.. imn have a few targets that i think are a lot more important (more valuable,, less secure somehow) than the bank but ill never tell..

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