Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

♱ · 7mo

Hello, darling. Seems like you've been really tired and unwell these days. I hope you'll be able to find some time to rest soon so that you can feel better at least. Take good care of yourself, alright? You've done well and you're doing well still. May better days come for you. Smooches.


Hello, platonic boyfriend. Thank you for reminding me about this message. I actually already saw it but I had no energy to respond when I did, so here I am. Good news is, I had a 3.5-nap earlier so I'm now well-rested. Bad news is, it's sorta one of the symptoms of the big D(epression) coming back. But I promise I'm taking care of myself, and have been gradually feeling more normal again since the other day. Thank you. I appreciate you and I adore you. Smooch.

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