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Anonymous Coward · 7mo

I love the idea that, as a young master brought up in the Gojo clan, he was raised to wake up early, while Geto, even though he is so put together all the time, is impossible to wake up in the morning. Geto gets to class just fine on the weekdays because it's the responsible thing to do, but on the weekends, he wants to sleep in as late as he can. Enter Gojo, barging into his room at some asscrack of dawn time, because "Suguru I'm booooored, we gotta do something!!! Stop! Sleeping!! In!!!" (Part 1 woops)

Anonymous Coward · 7mo

And as obnoxious as Gojo is, Geto still somehow manages to stay stubbornly asleep, even though Gojo has ripped the blanket off his body, pinched and squished his cheeks, and yelled all sorts of profanities in his ears. So, Gojo's gotta entertain himself somehow right? It's Geto's fault he's bored cuz he's just not waking up, so really, this is all Geto's fault. So, Gojo learns how to make the perfect waterfall braids, there's also this weird video he's seen before (Part 2)

Anonymous Coward · 7mo

about using a spoon to curl eyelashes he saw online once, and oh, Geto has a LOT of beauty marks all over his body, I wonder how many there are?? Every time Geto wakes up, he's ready to beat Gojo's ass, but the damn noodle man is too slippery and always manages to get away somehow. One time, Geto wakes up to find Gojo asleep by his side for once, an opened marker in his hand. To his annoyance, he finds little things scribbled all over his body, things Gojo wanted to say to Geto, but he was asleep. (Part 3)

Anonymous Coward · 7mo

Geto reads them all quietly and scoffs before he gently extracts the marker from Gojo's hand and writes something on his forehead. Then, he tucks Gojo into his side and falls back asleep. Gojo, later that same day, finally sees the writing and immediately goes to find Geto to both tackle him to the ground and yell at him. Geto can't help but laugh with an indignant and blushing Gojo over him, before trailing his fingers over the words. (Part 4)

Anonymous Coward · 7mo

Ahhh, thank you so much for the drabble about your fic!! I love the banter haha, I can't wait to see your next update in your fic!! Eagerly looking forward to it 🥰🥰

Anonymous Coward · 7mo

'You're an idiot, but you're my idiot.' Gojo falls silent at his touch, swatting away Geto's hand. "Well, it's true isn't it?" Geto can't help but smirk as Gojo huffs with a pout. "But I'm not an idiot!" Geto raises an eyebrow. "So, you're not denying you're mine?" Gojo flushes once more and tells him to shut up, hiding his face before storming off. (Last part!!) Anyways that's all I have, this spiraled out of my hands, going from head canon to idk, a drabble or something haha, hope you liked it~~

Anon this was THE CUTEST THING EVER,, TYSM for sharing,, that was beautifullllll,, also that suits my hc for my longfic that Gojo is in fact the early riser put of the two and the fact that he goes to bother Geto early in the morning every day is just so real,, i have a different drabble from 'an eye that never lies' and ill post it in the replies!!

mumu⠀♡ · 7mo

do u enjoy jjk

Yes I used average_jjk_enjoyer as my @ as a joke because obviously I'm not average I'm OBSESSED 😭

Anonymous Coward · 7mo

hi! will you ever revisit your van life threadfic? 🥹

ONG I TOTALLY FORGOT 😭😭 I have like a billion wips but I'll try to move it up on my list for you,, I'm prioritising my longfic rn but I'll find some time for van life!

Anonymous Coward · 7mo

Have you ever thought about geto whipping gojos ass with a ruler?

Hmmmmmm 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔 I KNOW WHO YOU ARE AND YES I HAVE THOUGHT ABOUT IT it's in the works

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