Saint⠀𓈒⠀윤슬  ໒꒱ · 11 answers · 1mo

໒꒰◞ ˕ ◟ ྀི꒱ა  QOTD  !
꒰  HI i’m settling something between me and my friend and i’m asking everyone i can … for those who like mcr what is their best album in your opinion ?

hI HI HI HI !!! I LOVE MCR AND EITHER 3 CHEERS or The Black Parade ! BUTTTT I have to give it to 3 Cheers cuz ngl, Black Parade … a bit basic <3 no offense

Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge 🙌🙌 The Black Parade too but that's so basic Don't look at me.

i havent listened to many but def the one w the two ppl on the cover and they have blood on them 💔😭

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