Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

anonymous ! · 18d

Hello!! I’m really sorry if this has been asked before but what apps do you use for your socmed AUs? Also, do you have any tips for finding suitable pictures to fit your story?

Thank you :3

hii ^^ no i’ve never been asked this actually, i’m glad to help! 💗
- for twt i use twinote! (a tip: turn off your wifi or data so you won’t get ads while using it, it works pretty well)
- for the texts in the last au i’ve been using chattales which is pretty easy to use (sadly you get a pop up asking you if you want a free trial every once in a while but it’s not that bothersome)
- for the lockscreens i’ve used canva! (+ i used it also to remove the logo from the texts haha i’ll record a little video for you on twt if it can help)
- for tweets with videos, i use inshot (i’ll also post a little video tutorial in case it might be helpful) (for removing the logo you have to watch an ad though 😔)
and finally, for the pictures i look around pinterest a lot, sometimes with very specific descriptions of things even if it might seem silly to type “two people on a bike night aesthetic”, it does the trick! + writing aesthetic helps sometimes in finding pics that look more natural. after a while your pinterest board will also start suggesting pics with the same vibe and it’s pretty useful to put them in a folder (you can also make it private!) as for sk1z photos, i look through their insta accounts and bubble updates accounts

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