anonymous user · 1y

im here to brainstorm and dump an idea, but what about omegaverse kinda wolf pack au binggeyuan? trying to open a third eye after that "bingge is old", but him as an older and experienced alpha leader of a pack and the little and inexperience omega brother of the rival pack shen yuan

oHOHOHO~ im liking the sound of that au, anon!! mm the age gap too bark bark!! ngl the kinda wolf pack bit makes me think werewolf au too heheheh

sy's newly presented as an omega but he was raised sheltered by sj (alpha of his pack), who doesnt want him involved in pack politics. moreover he's the runt of the pack and bc jiu-ge cares about his only blood relative, he's never been exposed to all the violence associated with being in the pack. basically, sy has no idea about all the shit that goes down, thinks everything is peaceful and leads an 'ordinary' life. the pack members, whom he refers to as his geges and jiejies are all so nice to him as well! he has every reason to be satisfied with his life and yet ... something's missing.

he appreciates the other pack members being with him and looking out for him all the time, but he wishes they'd get off his back. so he sneaks out one day, has a little bit of fun outside when he runs into this handsome stranger while on his nightly excursions.

sy is a bit wary of him but he eventually warms up to this stranger bc he's so charming and nice, and he says things that makes sy's heart flutter. they see each other often enough that they start making arrangements to see each other regularly. he doesnt mind that the man, bing-ge, is older than him (he thinks it's kinda sexy heheh) and besides, he's unmated too so sy doesn't see whats the problem with being with him. so they keep seeing each other until eventually he finds himself in bed with bingge.

one day sj notices sy's absence at home and interrogates his subordinates abt sy's whereabouts. they have no idea where he is and thought he simply retired to his room for the night to study or read webnovels. sj gets mad but he waits for sy to come home. and there's his lil brother, sneaking in through the window smelling like another alpha. the scent makes him sick to his stomach, and rage sear through him because he knows that scent thats on his brother's body.

how dare that bastard alpha luo binghe from the other pack who's been stealing his territory, resources and hurting his pack members, mate with his dear little brother.

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