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utauhito · 8mo

good morning!! if u were to put mhyk characters in different countries than the ones they're in now where would you put them (au or migration or whatever other reasoning) (whichever wizards you feel like doing)

Thanks for asking! idk where to start but. I want to send Chloe east... let's imagine Rustica did not show up and our poor tailor did not hihi-haha his trauma away. That's not a very fun au, obviously, I just want to see the effects of his upbringing swelling and rotting and pulling him down, making him distrustful and gloomy... what is the conclusion of this process I do not know but it'd be fun to dwell on.
Nero. This guy, I want to see him struggling to fit in, but also really encouraged to do so. So, South! South, it is. He won't like it at first and then maybe he won't like it at all but i feel like it could be a ground for some interesting development.
I want an AU where Arthur stayed in the North. He deserves to. It's interesting to think where it could go.

There are, obviously, some other interesting choices regarding this topic and I feel like I see people talking about them quite often so I won't repeat stuff I've heard of from other wizard enjoyers. Everyone has so many interesting scenarios... it's fun seeing people play with dolls I think we should do it even more often.

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