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utauhito · 6mo

which mhyk fic was the most fun for you to write and why

Before I start I need you to know that my idea of fun includes screaming and crying. And it's on my latest nrbr fic, after i calmed down i was giggling imagining the emotional impact it would make on one particular person. It was funtastic to write.
Teen nrbr from the very first april fools au. It gave me opportunity to write in a very loose, relaxed, modern-y style which i was missing.
Also there was a caiasa fic i wrote for my baby's birthday and it made me very blushy, very happy. And I missed writing short fics because there i get to use present tense which doesn't really suit longer texts (even though the latest nrbr is in present tense too...)
"Everhealing wounds" (the only translated fic on the list lol) was very fun to write because i got to try out some new narrative devices.

That concludes it. But generally i only write if it's fun so :"D

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