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anon · 5mo

what's your biggest interior design inspo??

DEVOL KITCHENS! both visually and in terms of their design philosophy. watch their hbo show (for the love of kitchens). it went triple platinum in my household.

i have a separate instagram account where i follow a ton of DIYers, designers, and more. visually, my favorites are @chalkwhitearrow, @hattiekolp, and @reserve_home.

my favorite professional designers are meta coleman, beata heuman, carley summers (i have her book called sacred spaces, i cried reading it, it's incredibly beautiful), shannon claire. look up any of their interiors on google to be instantly transported. compared to them i think my own home looks terribly...contemporary T_T and i would like to make it more classic with touches of whimsical, which i think beata heuman and meta coleman in particular do just astoundingly.

on youtube i watch lonefox a lot, among others. i also watch that fengshui guy and this beautiful channel called nevertoosmall

:D :D :D what a fun question to answer!

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