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anon · 5mo

what are some of YOUR fav fics and/or authors? :D

okay in complete truth, i am a terrible reader when it comes to op fic. the amount of op fic i've read is very little, zsz fic even less. i have a very hard time reading any fic at all when i'm in the midst of writing, and i've been in the midst of writing for approximately the last 6-7 months, and i only got into op at all maybe a handful of months before that. my marked for later grows fuller by the day...!

nonetheless! this is my favorite OP's lawzo!

i also really love everything by sabershadowkat. and i most recently read Double Overtime by sinelanguage and it was a total treat, 10/10.

my favorite fic in general is this SNS one. it's written in first person and in a very different style than traditional fiction prose, and it's probably not for everyone...but i love it so much. i've reread it a bunch. i'm always rereading it, actually:

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