hi my little eff slur #1
🔏:: when i was 10 i eated the chalk powder💔/srs
🔎:: akai kisses REITO on a daily basis/hj
💌:: teto is 31 years old in chimera years
♥️:: meiko…literally my wife ??? i’ve literally spent half of the day lusting over her(save me)
🕯️:: “you are about to get your cheeks clapped by a white man with a 40 foot shlong” - blaze, Death by AI Prompt
👁️‍🗨️:: “ In a word, this is an affectation/It’s just something I don’t want to do/ Look, your summer rain won’t be transmitted/Just by talking about love! - Kidoriya Shoubai(syudou)

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