➼ Ai ⸝ Cassiel · 8d

all emojis

hello eff slur #2
πŸ”:: when me and my sister were watching inside out there was this one guy that looked EXTREMELY SIMILAR to gakupo so i pointed it out and my sister said i should be tested for autism
πŸ”Ž:: ruma is a persecutor but in the /tttt/ user way
πŸ’Œ:: the first vocaloids were actually leon and lola released in 3 march 2004
β™₯️:: γ‚ͺッパむ!γ‚ͺッパむ!γ‚ͺッパむ!
πŸ•―οΈ:: β€œedgar allan poe is fingering me???” -i forgot
πŸ‘οΈβ€πŸ—¨οΈ:: β€œ When one commits enough failures, they shall lose their status as "human" and transform into "failure". When one becomes "failure", the only way to purify the world is if the one who is now "failure" must cease to exist. If the process is completed, the world will become pure again and so will the relatives of the one that became "failure", free from the one that has been burdening them.” - a book i abandoned

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