Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Tonya · 17 answers · 1mo

"It's not all men" and somehow it's always a man. Somehow every afab and every woman experienced misogyny, whether it's transmisogyny or just misogyny. We don't hate men in a "I want to rape you, abuse you and make sure you feel like nothing without me" way. We hate them in a "I don't forgive you for what you did to me and my sisters". In a "Don't hurt us" way.
"Why are we hating on men" but when men hate on women 24/7 it's okay? Stop trying to act oppressed so bad thx

I HATE MEN people say that they have good men in their life and yeah sure they might that doesnt stop the man form potentially having internalized misogyny and twisted views like all men do

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