Dharma · 10 answers · 2mo

How do you cope with failure?

By not holding back my emotion. To accept what I feel first and foremost, and acknowledge it. If a failure would cause me sadness and madness, I’ll just be sad and mad. I think once we’ve got to handle our feelings, by then, we can start to be logical again. The second step is to try again. Life is simply a learning process with no end. Even if we tend to be successful more than facing failures, there will be stuffs to learn at the end. Reflecting back on what may cause the failure to emerge is another important matter. Last step, is aiming for the better. Set goals straight and focus on what we need to. Put more time and energy towards that to be effective.

Accept, let go, try again, aim for the better, focus, and we’re all set. No giving up!

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