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Ophelia · 2y

Does Qisya like to cook or bake at all, or does she prefer to eat what other people cook?

A little bit of A, but a little more of B. She's not passionate about cooking but she can do it (though beware: she has eclectic tastes) but she does, without a doubt, like eating haha.

Anonymous Coward · 2y

Tell me about Raha and Qisya perfect holiday!

My mind is drawing a blank on specifics but I feel like they'd be the type to go on camping/hiking trips when wanting something chill, otherwise catch them on some new, exciting adventure. This maybe doesn't sound like a holiday for some but it's who they are, what can I say lol.

Anonymous Coward · 2y

Who were best man and bridemaid qisya raha marriage? How do you imagine their marriage ?

Uuu I haven't put much thought into this tbh lol my first thought was that Krile would be G'raha's attendant and Lyse would be Qisya's but then I was like hey having Alisaie and Alphinaud (for G'raha and Qisya respectively) would be cute too... so idk!! I think they'd try for a smaller wedding but bc they know/care about so many people the guest list would grow to be pretty sizeable eventually lol. Regardless I imagine it to be a nice and cozy event in the Shroud though, close to where Qisya grew up... hehe

Anonymous Coward · 2y

Ok tell me your top 5 husbando and waifu👀

in no particular order
- akane tsunemori (psycho pass) my QUEEN
- ardbert (ffxiv)
- eizen (tales of berseria)
- alistair theirin (dragon age) my forever boy
- rogier (elden ring) < there's some recency bias happening here I'll admit

Venat (ffxiv) and lady maria (bloodborne) get special mentions

Anonymous Coward · 2y

Favorite thing about your wolship 👀

They make me feel crazy sometimes anon........ there are so many things..... something I often think about though is how they first met as these crazy early 20-somethings and then reunite years down the road, a little more jaded and a little more sad... Also their r/s is actually pretty balanced despite how it may seem, whether it be who's teasing who or who's taking care of who, and I think this is the most important thing I want people to understand about their r/s. 🥺

Anonymous Coward · 2y

Was raha qisya first love? Boyfriend? Ehm... Time? >\<

Let's see... hmmm I'll say he's her first serious boyfriend as an adult but she's had other "loves", I guess... Definitely not her first time either, even within the story, bc she had a fwb thing going on with Sidurgu at some point lol.

Anonymous Coward · 2y

How much your wol and catboy are romantic? Are they do something special?

They're pretty romantic, and during the late shb patches (post 5.3-.5) almost sickeningly so LOL. They've mostly toned it down in public at this point but they continue to be in each other's company a lot. They've gone on a lot of cutesy dates but they're both in agreement that they have the most fun going on silly impromptu adventures. :>

Anonymous Coward · 2y

What raha and qisya thinking about marriage or having babies?

HEHE actually as of 6.1 they are uhhh engaged ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_ no wedding date yet but the intent for marriage is there! Babies have only been briefly discussed and I think while they both do want them eventually they (or at least Qisya) isn't keen on having any yet. But bc I can see the future I can tell you they definitely have some lol.

Anonymous Coward · 2y

we all know that wolships are the most ships ever and we love them, but what non-wolship xiv ships do you like? 👀

oh you're opening a huge can of worms here anon lol, i actually like a lot of npc/npc ships but here's what i can remember off the top of my head:
job quests: guydelot/sanson, alka zolka/setoto, lalah/loifa, zhai'a/lalai, h'mhasi/melkoko
everything else: hydaelyn/midgardsormr, gaia/ryne, lyon/menenius, emet/exarch, hades/hyth, ardbert/lamitt, ardbert/cyella, y'shtola/runar, estinien/ysayle, cid/nero, urianger/moenbryda, pipin/nanamo

Anonymous Coward · 3y

Your arts are fantastic ✨

Anonymous Coward · 3y

Who is more spicy between raha and raha? 🤭

KSHDLSH going to be presumptuous here and assume you're asking about raha and my wol here but feel free to hmu again if not. that said i'm going 2 say g'raha bc of his Very Long, Very Repressed 100-or-so years on the first LMAO

Anonymous Coward · 3y

What are Qisya’s favorite foods?

She looooooves fish. Salmon especially, but she's not terribly picky to begin with. Her ideal foodcation is Kugane and she's run into Estinien there more times than she can count. (Spoiler alert: they're apartment neighbors in Shirogane)

Anonymous Coward · 3y

Heya! What's Qisya's idea of a perfect date?

Qisya's a simple gal, a nice little hike (read: adventure) followed with some good food afterwords and she'll be happy. :9 I think in a modern day AU she'd be thrilled by an amusement park date too lol.

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