Lola. 𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ · 7d

hai hai new moot! all numbers :3


₁ ⠀ currently making a sandwich!! yummy

⠀ I’m doing amaIng!! a teensy bit bored though ⠀ ₂

⠀ ₃ ⠀ i haven’t thought of a proper topic to info dump on but i used to like an anime called ‘ school—live ‘ and i found it so interesting how the zombies retain memories from their past life while also being dead, they respond to sounds such as school bells, yelling & whistles as they normally would, it also made me happy ( and quite terrified? ) to see how they all come inside of the school in a response to the rain in one of the episodes, compared to some zombie shows i’ve seen they just ignore the sound or only a handful of them respond to the sound, AND !! the worse their lives get inside of the school the more the opening scene changes, it’s so good!! i could also go on and on about the respective characters and their personalities too

⠀ obsessed with oh dove, by men i trust!⠀ ₄

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