HI I JUST SAW THIS. head in hands

i’m doing amazing!! just ate a big sandwich .. yum⠀ ₂

⠀ ₃ ⠀ did you know that the developers of night in woods were making a new game, “ revenant hill “, but the project was cancelled? it was featured in a playstation blog video on youtube and it was supposed to focus on possum springs years before the actual night in the woods took place – for two lesser known facts unless you’re a achievement geek, you can do terribly on the 3 band practice minigames or do amazing on the 3 and get two different achievements for your work, there are 99 drawings that you can achieve in mays notebook, but some are only accessible throughout multiple playthroughs, and lastly, in the minigame demontower you can also get two different achievements for breaking the curse, or dying tragically, you can also get an achievement by playing through and seeing all the constellations from mr chazokov.

seven by men i trust!! so good⠀ ₄

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