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a bug · 11mo

What’s your time zone? I don’t want to accidentally wake you up or anything

a bug · 11mo

You like bellies more or feet?
(No wrong answers, since they're both great!)

my feet affinity comes and goes. i can go for a while without drawing a single sole, then out of nowhere i'm foot crazy for about a week. i'm always down for a big gut though, so i'd say i like bellies more. i think my audience and mutuals are more about bellies too, so i hope i'm not alienating them too much with my feet stuff lol. i need to get to know some more feet artists.

a bug · 11mo

are bellies real or cakes?

bellies are definitely real, my bf shoves his in my face every day. he'll also shove his cake in my face if i ask him to, so i can confirm the existence of those as well.

a bug · 1y

What characters do you enjoy drawing NSFW of most?

the characters i've drawn the most outside of comms are probably wart, dedede, and kamek... i just keep coming back to em.

a bug · 1y

Anal vore by butt slam (like a Bowser down B) or slow insertion?

a bug · 1y

Slowbro, or Slowking?

gotta go with slowking. i like how he politely keeps his hands behind his back, and the thing around his neck is cute. sorry, debu.

a bug · 1y

Thoughts on the Super Mario Movie?

looks fun. i don't really watch new animated movies very often, but since it's a mario thing, i can't miss this one. was originally premiering on my birthday, but guess i can't have shit :(

a bug · 1y

I noticed that everything you type is in all lowercase, including your FurAffinity journal posts. Why is that?

a bug · 1y

Anal vore hot or not

a bug · 1y

Smash or pass: Darck from dragon quest monsters 2?

haven't played the monsters games, so i actually haven't seen this guy until just now. he's cute. smash. 👀

a bug · 1y

if you swallowed a dude would you want him fighting back in your gut or just quietly making you fat

i'll go with the latter. i think it's more fun when the struggle takes place in the mouth or throat.

a bug · 1y

Commissions opening again soon? 👀

expect em to open within the last couple days of the month, or at the beginning of march 👍

a bug · 1y

Smash or Pass: Night Clubber from DQIV

a bug · 1y

Hottest Robot Master?

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