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bibo 🧸 · 11mo


Starts vibrating very intensely. Hello bibo. So current fixation? Well. aheh. Good omens. you may be able to tell by my profile right now. Before I sleep for the last several nights I think about the narrative differences in the show Vs the book and how that contributes to, in the show, the overall feeling of Crowley and Aziraphales relationship! Because in the book I would say yes they are heavily coded to be queer but in the show BECAUSE it is now focused so heavily on them (and, is ofc now an actual queer love story) you get a lot more content of them that feeds into their overall relationship! Ofc yes this is obvious as anyone who read the source material would know, but it's still interesting! One example I can think of is how Crowleys distress was played about Aziraphales book shop burning down, and in the same vein, him realizing aziraphale is missing! In the book he is, yes, distraught, but in the show it is played up even more; he yells about how someone has killed his best friend! And later on Aziraphale is able to talk to Crowley while he's discorporated and tell him where to go before he has to find a body; in the book he basically body jumps a bunch of dif people and eventually ends up with madame tracy & Crowley looks through the book on his own to find the way. Very interesting! Also crowleys traumaokay and Aziraphales cognitive dissonance which I watched videos on.....hello! Its been awhile since I got into something and immediately felt the need to consume everything about it ... showx2 the radio drama AND the book. okay he mightbe fixated just a bit aheh.

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