aditi 😊
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a jj lover · 1mo

happy 3 years to your writing account 🎉🎉🎉 i have truly enjoyed all your works so far and i am very much looking forward to your future works! everything you write is so wonderful!! many of your works are my comfort reads and i’m super excited to see what you will write in the future 🩵

ahhh this made me smile so much 🥺❤️ thank you for reading my works and i'm so so happy to hear that many of them bring you that level of comfort! and i'm so grateful you're looking forward to my future works too! 💕💕💕

a jj lover · 1mo

we love them speedingrunning living tgt gay people r so

fr like?? yes technically they've been sleeping together for months but they dated for one (1) week before deciding to live together and raise 3 kids 😭 thank you sm for reading! 💕💕💕

a jj lover · 1mo

really REALLY hope minnie isn't about to do that breaking-up-with-you-for-your-sake stuff minnie i beg

a jj lover · 1mo

hotel!minnie you are incredible your perseverance to be horny in all situations is an inspiration

a jj lover · 1mo

hi happy 3rd anniversary !! can you share how you get to write nomin ? any inspiring old writers ? or how it all started we want to know cause i really like your writing i mean the same as another 8k here in your X😍

i first started writing nomin bc they reminded me a lot of jjp! i just loved their dynamic and i wanted to capture the way i saw them in my writing! and i was a sfw writer back then but i felt that there was simply nowhere near enough top jn content which is how i ended up turning into a nsfw writer too skdjhf 🙈 thank you so much for reading my works and i'm so glad you enjoy them! 💕💕💕

a jj lover · 1mo

when will you update cookies au? i miss it a lottt

right now my plan is to finish hotel au first and then start updating cookies au again! sorry for the long wait but thank you for anticipating it! 💕💕💕

puppymdefender · 2mo

omg ur new mini nsfw au is SAUR GOOOD. anything you write is 😘

i'm really happy you liked it so much! thank you for reading it and my other works too! 💕💕💕

a jj lover · 2mo

reading your au’s always makes my day exponentially better!!!

this is so sweet 🥺 i'm really glad my aus have that effect for you, thank you so much for reading them! 💕💕💕

a jj lover · 2mo


skjdhd i'm so glad you enjoyed it that much! thank you sm for reading!! 💕💕💕

a jj lover · 2mo

the mini was so gooodddd and very sexyyyy we freaking love u aditi

a jj lover · 2mo

damn that was something jm, hate me too idk

he might consider it if your dick is big enough...but jn might have something to say 🤭 thank you for reading! 💕💕💕

a jj lover · 2mo


a jj lover · 2mo

That au is.... wow no wonder you are my fav thank you so much. Noboy gets the brat jm brat tamer jn like you. This is the best trope istg

ahh i'm honored to be your favorite and THE brat jm x brat tamer jn person for you! thank you so much for reading the au!! 💕💕💕

a jj lover · 1mo

can you please speak something about palestine and not hyping nct for few weeks?

the reason i don't share palestine related content on this account is because it's solely for my writing. i do post about palestine frequently on my tumblr and on my personal account, and i donate to gofundmes as often as i can. i may not express it on this account specifically but it's free palestine always 🇵🇸

a jj lover · 2mo

every word u write to me is beautiful. you could write an update that just had a singular letter and i’d believe it was written by a high power. u are the nomin bible. 🛐

skdhhdkdjd thank you so much for reading my works! i'm so flattered and honored that you think so highly of my writing! 🥰💕💕💕

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