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Little Nonny · 2d

what’s been ur fav ch. of TSOS to write so far (either a published one or overall)? 👀

The current one I'm working on and the subsequent one (so, chapters 8 and 9) are ones that I've been looking forward to writing since I started the fic, but in terms of currently published ones, chapter 6 was an absolute riot for me to write, I had so much fun with that one lol.

Little Nonny · 1d

Sorry to ask, but in TSOS, will any of the characters (from various groups) who have yet to show up be villainized? I really love TSOS, it’s an amazing fic, I’m just worried that if or when characters I’m hoping will be involved show up, that they’ll be an asshole and I’d want to (respectfully) tap out before then. Still, thank you for writing TSOS, it’s amazing!

Uhhhh there's certainly going to be a bit of grey morality when both Hanbins show up, but I wouldn't say either of them is a villain, it's just a pair of very complex emotional plots. The actual villains are... not idols lol. They're not OCs but they're not any of the idols in the groups involved with the fic! But as usual, I will continue adding individual chapter warnings, so when the villains do show up, there will be warnings in advance. Thank you for loving the fic, I hope you can continue reading until the end <3

Little Nonny · 2d

I'm so excited for this new chapter, I'm also extremely curious about the new tags

I'm so excited for these new tags, you have no idea. I wanted to add them when I posted the first chapter, but I had to keep some of my plot twists to myself...

Little Nonny · 2d

I don't know if anyone has asked, but have you ever thought about making a playlist for tsos? It's just a question from a person who likes to read while listening to music

Oh, that's not something I've ever thought of before, but it's a good idea! Hey, if anyone has any songs that they relate to TSOS or listen to when they read, drop them in the replies and I'll make a playlist with some of my own songs! Great idea, nonny <3

Little Nonny · 5d

Hello!! what did you drink last night to make you so tipsy HAHA

Little Nonny · 7d

Whose pov will be the next chapter from?

Taerae! We’ve got two more Taerae chapters, and then we’re gonna have the first Gunwook POV chapter 🤩

Little Nonny · 10d


Little Nonny · 11d

so when are we gonna see dongyeol making a cameo in tsos lol

Little Nonny · 11d

That person was so rude for no reason. I am just gonna say such small grammar tips really help me as a bilingual. And I bet they help many others too. Appreciate them!

You're welcome! I'm always happy to help out when people need it because English is a stupid and very complicated language, and I honestly believe that a lot of miscommunication online could be alleviated if people actually knew how to use the language correctly.

Little Nonny · 11d

you're pretty full of yourself you know. giving out 'english lessons' or whatever. okay grammar police get off your high horse

Mate, I'm literally a qualified English tutor for pre-university students. If that spills over into my off-the-clock tweeting habits and offends your delicate sensibilities, that sounds like a 'you' problem. You can unfollow me and take your lapslock with you <3

Little Nonny · 11d

What I am curious about is the extent of gw's brainwashing? Like does he think of tr as an enemy?

Chapter... 9 or 10 is going to go into more detail about the brainwashing, but I can say that no, he doesn't think tr is an enemy

Little Nonny · 11d

please tell me gw will be the one to kill the red wolf

You know what, yes, you can have this one. He is going to be the one who kills the red wolf!

Little Nonny · 11d

does tr know gw was brainwashed into leading the enemy pack to his pack? and I assume gw himself isn't even aware what happened yet right..

Tr knows that something was wrong with gw, but he doesn't know what yet. And as for gw himself... well, that's coming soon :>

Little Nonny · 11d

When I started reading TSOS, I didn’t even know One Pact existed. Then I read your fic, loved it, and learned about One Pact! Now I’ve listened to both their albums (loved them), my favorite member is Seongmin, and I’m re-reading TSOS (again) so that I can read their scenes again! Thank you for getting me into another group, I’m happy about this :)

Omg nonny that's the best thing I've heard today! I'm so happy my fic led you to a new group that you love, and that that group is One Pact! They deserve so much love and attention <3 And they're so fun to write in TSOS!

Little Nonny · 15d

i'm sorry the NEW tsos chapter? as in the chapter that comes after the emotional bombshell you just dropped on us a few days ago? idk if i've recovered from ch7 yet...

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