Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

just a little guy · 5mo

hello ! sorry if this is rude to ask / suggest but i am an avid reader of you fics and have read pretty much all of them (including the ones that were formally public before they got locked) and i was wondering if you had every considered reposting those fics to another site like poipiku for example ? once again sorry if this is rude to ask / suggest i just love your works and most of my favorites just happened to get locked.

Hello there! This isn't rude at all and is in fact very polite and kind. I'm very honored you've been enjoying my fics all this time! I also know it must be frustrating when I'm taking my good ass time unlocking things.

Poipiku is an interesting idea though! I didn't know you could post fic on there? 🤔 Do you know the word limit?

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