Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

just a little guy · 5mo

my memory isn’t the best and i can’t remember the titles of these fics so i’ll try my best to describe them so sorry if my descriptions are vague or i’m misremembering some details since it’s been a while but the fics i had been talking about one was an odachuu fic (trans chuuya and i believe it had some light bondage in it), a ranchuu gangbang fic with chuuyas subordinates (iirc), and there were also fics in a series i like that had gotten locked (“the aftermath of something lethal” is the series ^^)

unlocking taosl is a bit tricky since it's a series and not a multichap or anything but the other two i dont mind unlocking for your enjoyment!

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