Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

just a little guy · 3mo

hi 😭 im super sorry if this is a dumb question but is there a way to read a specific locked fic of yers? i really adore yer writing and would reread one fic of yers often cuz its my favorite and i figured id just ask you! it was one of the fics in the aftermath of something lethal series! the one where dazai and ranpo finally get together. if there’s no way its obviously fine and okay

taosl is currently locked and i don't know when i'm going to release it. i have mixed feelings about it because as much as people ask for me to unlock fics, no one ever comments on them despite going out of their way to ask me to unlock them. i don't want to unlock the series if the only thing people are going to say in response to it is 'when is the next update' or nothing at all.

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