Anonymous Coward · 2mo

Hi Shobon! I'm a very big fan! I know this is a very open-ended question, but I would love to know if you have any tips or recommendations to get into music making for a complete beginner. One of my dreams is to make Vocaloid songs one day, but I never knew where to even begin!! How does one go about making an original song? Is proficiency on a musical instrument necessary, or should I just learn to use a DAW? Also, is there a DAW you recommend? Thank you so much in advance!!!

I think learning an instrument does help a lot in the process of learning an overall sense of basic music theory, but even then you can learn a lot by downloading a free DAW like REAPER or the trial version of FL Studio and playing around with it. Going through basic tutorials, creating small drum loops and melodies, learning the software you work with among other small steps will take you very far even if it's not easy to tell at first! There's no shame in studying some basic songs and basic chords to get an overal feel of what "sounds good". Truly there are many ways to get started but you can actually learn a lot from just dipping your toes into a music software of your preference and "playing around". REAPER has always been my DAW of choice and I recommend it a lot for how flexible and useful it has been for me.

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