💀 · 11mo

who did mac have the hardest time getting along with/adjusting to in the league?

i hate saying it, but twice. not that twice isn't nice at all! twice was-- and will always be-- a total sweetheart. he's just a lot for mac to handle at first. his constant habit of contradicting himself confused them at first, especially with their bad brain and being neurodivergent themselves (not understanding social cues and all that). mac is also a very reserved individual and doesn't like being open about anything ever. it takes a while for them to understand twice. mac misses him dearly too because he didn't hesitate for a second to consider them a friend and that meant a lot.

there's also shigaraki but that's more him being a whiny little gamer rat man (affectionate) and not yet a proper leader, especially in the wake of afo getting arrested (which is when mac joined). but i like to think, since shigaraki is an aries and mac is leo, things do even out. if spinner and shigaraki get along, so can mac.

toga would be one too, but mac does have a nephew around the same age as toga so they can handle her. while mac is no replacement for big sis magne (miss her too), they do try to be that sibling/auncle role model for toga so she can gush about her crushes. if compress is "dad" of the lov... then mac can try to follow in his footsteps.

had mac joined earlier, muscular or moonfish would be a top contenders of people they wouldn't like being around. especially muscular. i don't need to say why.

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