Roadhog and Jimbei's Trans Husband · 11mo

What was Mac’s first impressions of Dabi and Compress?

Dabi: Mac hates to admit it, but dabi does have rizz and is very attractive. Yet his smarmy smirk and general asshole behavior tested Mac very day. Dabi irritated them, yet mac was falling for him more and more.

Compress: Mac met Compress at one of his magic shows prior to the start of the series (at least, before the league formed. I have lore that he probably did heists and all that and still was an entertainer... anyway). They were neutral, found him amusing. Then he calls them up on stage and they're suddenly so shy, yet out of nervousness does play off of him really well. They had a fun time at the show.

But that was the entertainer.

After they escape the shie hassaikai and found sanctuary with the league, Mac did recognize him (the mask, top hat, and bolo were giveaways). He was just as charming as he was at his show, but this was as close as they got to the real him. And they were smitten.

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