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YSTRA · 4d

my brain is hitting it's limit and I cannot think of any more questions for now BUT if I think of any more I will ask o7

🫡 this was fun feel free to ask any questions at all even if its like. silly stuff

YSTRA · 4d

what are their favorite seasons and/or holidays

hikaru likes winter and new years (he likes celebrating with his sister) and ruka prefers summer and hanami (cherry blossoms remind him of the Past™️)

YSTRA · 4d

Hikaru mentioned Ruka's "eccentricities" what did he mean by that

mostly referring to rukas habit of bouncing around everywhere ruka's personality can also flip really quickly (ie one second he can be very cheery, the next he can be somewhat mean and blunt)

YSTRA · 4d

what do Ruka and Hikaru think of all the members in their respective circles they're a part of

YSTRA · 4d

were the birthdays picked at random or was it something you specifically decided on

picked at random i tried being specific about it but it didnt pan out lol hikarus is kinda specific bc i wanted him to be on the older side of the 2nd years hence why his bday js close to kasas

YSTRA · 4d

so Hikaru became an idol cause he saw Ruka but what made Ruka wanna do music

YSTRA · 4d

is Hikaru a "jack of all trades" kind of person his interests seem all over the place and you mentioned he tends to "treat everything will equal attention" so I was curious

kinda ? he likes to be good at everything so he doesnt make a fool of himself and he isnt the type that can easily say "no" to things

YSTRA · 4d

what made Ruka start travelling in the first place was that always a want of his or did something spur it at some point

he always liked to travel but it was not always as spontaneous as it is now (!-!!)

YSTRA · 4d

you said they act in dramas what kind of character roles would they each normally play

ruka: cool upperclassmen type. role model. class president archetypes
hikaru: mc rival type characters, generally cool headed. sometimes a playboy vibe

YSTRA · 4d

was Hikaru's hobby always busking or did he only start doing that after seeing a street performance by Ruka

kinda both ? hikaru has always liked performing but it was more in casual sense but after seeing ruka perform it made him start to want to perform for more people outside of his circle

YSTRA · 4d

what does Ruka think of magic shows

YSTRA · 4d

who are Ruka and Hikaru friends with outside of each other

ruka: tsumugi, ritsu, hajime, tatsumi (!!)
hikaru: tsukasa, tori, hiyori, aoi twins

YSTRA · 4d

how'd you decide to put Hikaru in flambé and Ruka in BLEND+

originally. ruka was going to be in flambe and hikaru in blend+ but i switched them bc it was too expected ? if that makes sense. i like when happyele puts characters into shuffles that you don't originally think suit them but after thinking more its like "oh wait this was good"

YSTRA · 4d

Am I Asking Too Much

no its just taking me a while to Collect the Lore in My Mind ™️ if i cant answer ill say so :3

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