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Anonymous · 2d

l//abru sex marathon…all their holes get filled

they encounter some magic or monster aphrodisiac and nothing to do but ride it out over like, an entire day. they're shooting blanks after the first few hours but can't stop

the_squirterrr · 2d

TBH I was inspired by your art to draw preg Kabru as well, but I am not sure about posting it... I would like to tag you since it's pretty much directly related to stuff you've talked about, but I also feel like that might be overstepping, esp since I don't draw people very much and it's not amazing ... yeah LOL if it's not okay I understand!

Anonymous · 6d

Do you have any advice for how to get through the mediocre phase of art while still making the FREAK content you want to... instead of getting more excited my art quality is just an immediate turn-off for whatever horny idea I had, but nothing else is really pulling me to art at the moment. I NEED my freaks getting TF'D and then FUCKED but boy your leg looks like a lego piece you cannot get pounded in that physique. You'll crumble to dust

Jeanpauocad · 19d

Hey, I just want to let you know that I showed your drawing of trans Kabru where he is naked to my partner, a trans-man too, and he loved it because he saw his own body type in that drawing, you should had seen his big smile.

In any case, thanks for drawing diverse trans bodies.

Anonymous · 18d

could you draw laois pregnant thanks xo

Anonymous · 21d

will you draw some tender pregnant Labru sex?

yeah...kabru late term, delirious on hormones and painkilling spells, hidden away somewhere deep in the castle so no one knows hes pregnant w the king's heir. spends most of the day sleeping bc his pregnancy brain can't focus enough on reading or writing, and laios sneaks away a lot throughout the day to check on him and bring him stuff and keep him company. and almost every visit results in kabru begging laois to touch him since he gets so bored and horny but can't reach himself to masturbate- (i am led into a cell and locked in there for hours)

Anonymous · 21d

wild to me to think i've been following you since your TAZ days, i still have the little artbook of doodles you made, too. it's been cool to follow your art for so many years and to get to see all the ways you've grown (which i feel like is funny to say as someone like... 6 years younger than you lol) just wanted to say thanks for all the years of art and thankyou for getting me into dungeon meshi 👍 you're cool

omg thats like, 7 or 8 years! i remember making that taz zine lol thank you for sticking around so long

Anonymous · 24d

I know you’re not into Kabrumisu but consider in any context if u may, Mithrun going from being incredibly underweight to a healthy weight with some softness to him. Not so much feederism as natural weight gain as a result of mental and physical recovery… it is canon To Me

yesss cute...and ya this doesn't even have to be kabu/misu imo! he said he wanted to make noodles so its probably bound to happen regardless

Anonymous · 30d

Now that parts of the changeling stuff has hit the scene, what are your thoughts on dwarf laois

Anonymous · 1mo

i've been following you since totk and when you posted dunmeshi, i was skeptical about getting into it, but it has changed my life. people would always say there was something "wrong with me" and i could never understand what they meant, but seeing a lot of neurodivergent people explain the parallels between their lives and dunmeshi's characters made a light bulb in my head go off. i still don't quite know what to do with my life, but dunmeshi has given me hope, so thank you for posting about it.

omg first of all im sorry anyone ever told you there was something wrong with you, thats really sad. being neurodivergent doesn't mean theres anything wrong with us, its just a difference. but regardless im glad that dungeon meshi struck a chord with you like it did with me and im happy to have introduced you to it! even if it was through gay porn lol

Anonymous · 1mo

Hi your art is really sexy and funny, I hope you're having a nice day. :D I love your little fairy art, it's hysterical. I've been imagining that ls and kb had to provide uhhh samples for the fairies to be made and they both secretly rubbed one out thinking about the other and now have to reap the consequences.

OOOH...thats good takes notes i was also thinking that the fairies also become obsessed with one another is because laios and kabru only ever use them to talk to each other hardly anyone else, and so theres this near constant psychic link between the two fairies that when they meet in person its like two magnets

Anonymous · 1mo

started drawing a lot of oc/canon character shipping from a game i really getting into, like 3 sketchbook pages of kissing and some erotica. started to feel a little cringe abt it and then thought "no, remember the words of penis delirious. in fact i need to make even weirder hornier porn of them actually " so thank you for your service 🫡

YES YES YES cringe is the killer of joy, shame is the destroyer of freedom. you are so cool and everyone who worries too hard about being cringe wishes they were half as authentic and real as you

Anonymous · 1mo

just wanted to say "thank you" for your passion for masculinity. as a gay transman i tend to fixate mostly on male characters and mlm ships but i get guilty about it sometimes despite the fact that... it makes sense? like i'm a gay dude who worked hard for my manhood, i feel like it makes sense i'd fixate on guys in media-- i love a good bit of yuri on the side too but.... men <3 anyways seeing you be so passionate about men/mlm ships helps me feel less weird/alone!

i did see this yesterday but i wanted to hang on to it a little longer, thank you for being yourself :)

Anonymous · 1mo

you said lrt but your last rt isnt related, did it get deleted?

Anonymous · 1mo

I may be stupid, but what does tf stand for? My brain is saying “the fuck” but I’m certain thats wrong…

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