Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

undercover spy · 9mo

It sucks so many fansites are getting sussed but I don't think it's because of mass r3p0rting except maybe peas account, because 3 hnk fansite and 2 tyvn acc get sussed and there was also a bg fs that got a warning. A bunch of mutuals on my main/non rpf acc also got got the past few days. Not trying to defend what happened with peas and hknight but just sharing what I think since everyone is just pointing fingers at each other at this point.

ahh i see what you're saying, nonetheless i still believe hknight was mass reported considering she gaining negative attention prior to the suspension. the issue with peas and hknight coinciding with the other suspensions is just... very coincidental i suppose...? who knows

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