Anonymous 🍊 · 4mo

i found it funny you said you surprised that taehyun is a yapper but not with beomgyu as a calm person are you that type of moa who only focus on their bias that you're not noticing taehyun when they're together or doing lives etc bc he for sure talking so much it's the same tbh with the calm side of beomgyu I've noticed it bc im not focusing on my bias only and i don't put any stereotypes on them

i’m not surprised tyvn is a yapper [in general] i know he gets heated up about interesting topics and usually has a lot to say. it was just surprising to find out that he’s the talker in the tebin dynamic off camera too. but if you want to attack me for it sure go ahead! it’s already super weird for u to send this over something i said in a reply to my friend’s post lol

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