₊ ⊹ rain ₊ ⊹ · 3mo

HELLOO!! Sorry im late akhdksh but i wanted to say that as someone who does not regularly enjoy fluff, I REALLY loved your snow fairy fic!! You’re doing amazing and I’m really glad we’re moots 👉🏻👈🏻 your writing is lovely and sweet (just like your user actually!!) and I look forward to whatever you have to share with us in the future 🥺🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻

rain T^T thank you so much for this my angel!!! liking my fluff fic as someone who’s not an avid fluff fan means a lot to me. and i do have some wips hehe but they’re a little different. thank you for this again, i hope u have a lovely day🫂

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