Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous 🍊 · 1mo

playfully comparing the closeness of members is nothing new in shipping culture, and it doesn’t affect the members at all 😭 shipping aside i’m sure even the members themselves know certain members are closer, it’s not anything bad, it’s just realistic. are u equally close to everyone you’re friends with? bc i know i’m not 😭 and like i said if someone WERE to take that silly analysis and use it to be mad at sbn then that’s their own problem and would be more a reflection of their own fickle view on sbn. (please read this with a calm natural tone, i know it can be hard to infer that through the internet)

I can understand why you’d think this way and have your reasons to back it up but it simply doesn’t click to me or go with my principles to move this way abt shipping even if lightheartedly. You’re right, you can’t be close to everyone in the same manner and soogyu’s bond is special but pointing it out with comparisons just leaves a sour taste in my mouth and that’s just mt personal reaction to it!! It never did make sense to me and its something that has always held me back from rps spaces for a long time. So while I do respect your different outlook, it’s just not the same as mine and that’s okay! I do appreciate you trying to talk to me about it nicely (I can gauge ur tone) and trying to understand bc I’ve just dealt with ppl jumping me for stating my concern.

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