Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous 🍊 · 1mo

“it’s really not our place to theorise in such a manner” alright, so why is that where you draw the line? if we shouldn’t consider the dynamics of different members, how is it our place to ship soogyu together? does not wanting and making content that assumes two men’s sexualities and write them in romantic and or sexual contexts not push the moral line further than wondering if two members are closer than another pair? how is it our place to theorise in this manner then?

I didnt say we shouldn’t consider their dynamics different they definitely are and it’s why we prefer a ship over another. But should that make us analyse the differences that aren’t clear to us and plaster them as proof that “this” ship is more “real”? Shipping isn’t arbitrary, are you trying to say we shouldn’t ship bc I said it’s strange to pit members’ closeness against eo? That’s like saying I’m not eating a burger just bc it has tomatoes in it when u can easily take it out and enjoy the other ingredients

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